In tarot, the Major Arcana refers to a specific set of cards within the tarot deck. It consists of 22 cards that are considered the most significant and profound in the tarot deck. Each card in the Major Arcana represents a different archetype or theme, and they often depict powerful symbolic images and figures. These cards hold deep spiritual and transformative meanings, and they are typically associated with significant life events and spiritual lessons.

The Fool is a positive card indicating new beginnings. It can also indicate having faith in your future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginners luck, and believing in the universe. Lepidolite is a great crystal for joy, new beginnings and faith. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you through change and help you believe in yourself.

The Magician indicates your potential and the manifestation of your desires. It points to your talents and capabilities. Tap into your potential instead of holding back. Tigers Eye is a great crystal for your conscious mind and manifesting opportunity. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you realise your potential and become aware of your talents.

The High Priestess is associated with secrets and mystery. Its suggests it’s time for some alone time to reflect on the situation and trust your instincts. Things around you are not what they seem right now. Moonstone is a great crystal for intuition and inner knowledge. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you trust you instincts and realise your inner knowledge.

The Empress - a creator, a mother, a nurturer. Typically associated with maternal instincts, she represents relationships, the creation of life, art or a new business. Trust in your good sense. Aventurine is create for its nurturing energy and for trusting in yourself. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you trust yourself and your instincts.

The Emperor - confront difficult power dynamics that are manifesting themselves in your life. You are on top of things and you are in control, you need to remember that. It is your hard work and self discipline that has brought you this far. Red Jasper is great for stability and power. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you take control and manifest self discipline.

The Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. It can represent relationships in an arranged set up. It can be about a personal relationship or a teacher/counsellor. Seek guidance from this person - they are open to help you. Lapis Lazuli is great for communication and guidance. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help build your confidence and communication.

The Lovers card represents the affection, trust and unity in a relationship. You have a decision to make in this relationship - follow your intuition. Whatever your choice, it should not be made lightly. Rose Quartz is great for love and choices. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you guide your decision of the heart.

The Chariot represents willpower, triumph, and a positivity. This card is about overcoming conflicts, and moving forward in a positive direction. Keep up your hard work and dedication and you will see victory. Pyrite is great for determination and moving forward. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help keep you on your current path.

The Justice card represents balance in a decision, fairness and accountability. You need to make the fairest decision. Sometimes this comes with sacrifice, however you need to think of the bigger picture and how it affects everything as a whole. Carnelian is a great stone from logic and reason. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you guide you make the fairest decision.

The Hermit is suggesting for you to withdraw yourself from events and relationship commitments to gather some inner strength. You are in a phase of introspection and you need to draw your attention inwards and look for the answers within. Blue Calcite is a great stone for inner workings and finding your way. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space help you guide your direction.

The Wheel Of Fortune - destiny, fortune, success and luck. This cards suggesting that you need to introduce an aspect of change into your life. Take a chance and have faith that the universe will take care of you in the best way possible. Amethyst is a great crystal for accepting change and good fortune. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you take chances and feel protected.

Strength predicts the conclusion of a major life problem through the strength of your character. Whether you are fighting an emotional struggle, illness or injury, this is a very positive card suggesting that your strong character and determination will help you overcome this. Citrine is great for discipline and courage. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space help you stay strong.

The Hanged Man - wisdom, sacrifice and prophecy. This card suggests surrender and sacrifice. You are unsatisfied with an aspect of your life and now it’s time for change. It may feel like you’re loosing a lot but you need to prioritise happiness. Moss Agate is a great crystal for sacrifice and release. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space help you make your best decision.

Death - release and rebirth. This card very rarely represents actual death. This card symbolises an end, potentially of a relationship, job or interest. This will lead to an increase sense of self-awareness. Obsidian is a great stone for transformation and change. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help increase your self awareness.

The Temperance card indicates that you should take the middle road. You should learn to bring patience, moderation and balance in your life. Avoid extremes and maintain and sense of calm. Amethyst is a great crystal because of its calming and harmonising properties. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you stay level headed.

The Devil Card suggests your negative aspects and holding you back from being the best version of yourself. It represents being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. You’re living in fear and being restricted by an overabundance of luxury. Black Onyx is a great crystal for overcoming fear and doing shadow work. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space help work on yourself.

The Tower - danger, crisis, destruction. This card is associated with unforeseen change. This may represent a divorce, a death or another life changing event. This isn’t always negative, but you need to prepare yourself. Protect your happiness. Hematite is a great crystal for liberation and confronting truth. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you stay true to yourself.

The star represents spiritual enlightenment, new hopes and courage. It brings renewed hopes and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time. Feel inspired. Clear Quartz is great for clarity and optimism. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help the universe guide you.

The Moon - hidden enemies, danger, occult forces. This is the card of illusion and deception. It suggests something is not as it appears to be. This could be a misunderstanding on your part or the truth you cannot admit to yourself. Labradorite is a great crystal for working with the unconscious mind. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you see the truth.

The Sun is a positive card that reflects happiness and contentment. Sometimes considered the best card in Tarot. Representing good things and positive outcomes. The universe is agreeing with your path. Sunstone is great for confidence and optimism. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help you reflect the positivity of this card.

Judgement - when one door closes another door opens. This is the card of awakening. This suggests a period in our lives where one aspect comes to an absolute end, making way for new dynamic beginnings. Malachite is a great stone for awakening and perspective. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space tohelp you make way for new beginnings.

The World represents ending a cycle of life. A pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. An indicator of inexorable change. Unakite is a great crystal for new phases of life and self realisation. Use this in your meditation practice or have this in your space to help guide you through the change.